Workforce Burnout: Breaking Cycles, Reinforcing Boundaries & Nurturing Self-Care

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Launch Date

March 29, 2023

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Workplace systems can cause burnout among healthcare professionals. There is a range of societal, cultural, structural, and organizational factors that contribute to burnout among the healthcare workforce. Some examples include: excessive workloads, administrative burdens, limited say in scheduling, and lack of organizational support.

This webinar will provide strategies to break the burnout cycle and techniques to reinforce and nurture self-care for the healthcare workforce.

Learning Objectives
After participating in this session, healthcare professionals will be able to:

  • Identify systemic and structural elements that can support workplace satisfaction.
  • Describe strategies, tools, and resources that promote mental health and support self-care.
  • Explain methods for transforming workplace culture and building community support.
  • Review how to set professional boundaries. 

Ebony Johnson, MHS