What can Alive Maryland do to help you?

Point-To-Point Capacity Building Assistance

Our Point-to-Point Team is here to make technical assistance (TA) and capacity building assistance (CBA) work for you. Point-to-Point is your TA and CBA resource for the State of Maryland’s HIV, viral hepatitis, STIs, and harm reduction workforce and your organizations as you continue the fight against the epidemics in Maryland.

We offer technical assistance and capacity building assistance in the following areas:

  • Organizational Infrastructure
  • Fiscal Administration
  • Data Collection Management and Reporting
  • Service Provision
  • And more!

Fill out the form below, and let us know how we could make capacity building come Alive for you.

Request Assistance

Please complete the form at this link to submit your training and capacity building assistance needs. Our Point-to-Point team will follow up with you shortly to address your needs and identify next steps.  

Request Capacity Building Assistance

Meet the Point-to-Point Team

Melissa Kelley

Shannon Morgan

Sindia De La Cruz

Leo Sheridan

Stephanie Montes De Oca