Monitoring Contracts and Subrecipients

Monitoring Contracts and Subrecipients

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Launch Date

June 6, 2023

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This webinar discusses the difference between a recipient, a subrecipient, and a contractor and the elements of subrecipient agreements, subawards and contracts. The faculty reviews the Uniform Guidance and the requirements outlined in this document with regards to the recipient/subrecipient relationship and the necessary monitoring processes. This presentation discusses the pre-award screening process and risk assessments to be performed prior to entering into an agreement, as well as the routine monitoring processes needed to ensure continued compliance. The presentation discusses the corrective action process and strategies for recipients to partner with subrecipients to address compliance. Finally, this presentation includes a discussion of policies and procedures and their role in the monitoring process.

Presentation Outline:

  • Identify the differences between a recipient, a subrecipient, and a contractor
  • Review components of a subrecipient agreement/contract
  • Discuss the importance of pre-award risk assessments
  • Review monitoring requirements and implementation of monitoring activities  
  • Discuss the difference between and expectations regarding policies and procedures


Jana Collins, MS has served as the Project Director for the Kentucky AIDS Drug Assistance (KADAP) Program Income Reinvestment Program (KIRP) since 2019, which is tasked with reinvesting program income generated by Kentucky’s ADAP program into HIV initiatives throughout the Commonwealth of Kentucky. Prior to this role, Jana served as the Research Protocol Manager for HIV Programs at the Ryan White HIV/AIDS Program (RWHAP)-funded Bluegrass Care Clinic (BCC) at the University of Kentucky, where she worked in various capacities starting in 2002. Jana has served as a Fiscal, Administrative, and Technical Assistance consultant for Health Resource Services Administration HIV/AIDS Bureau, participating in comprehensive and technical assistance site visits for Ryan White HIV/AIDS Program recipients since 2008 and is a consultant for HealthHIV’s Fiscal Health Professional Services. Jana has a Master’s degree from the University of Kentucky Department of Family Studies, with an emphasis in Family Financial Management and Consumer Issues.