Events Calendar

LGBTQ+ Youth and the Child Welfare System

Online Event

Panelists will discuss inequities affecting LGBTQ+ youth within child welfare systems, key advocacy issues, barriers, and interventions for improving outcomes.

TelePrEP in Practice

Online Event

Join Alive! Maryland on Wednesday, May 17, 2023 at 1:00pm ET for a webinar that will review the benefits of telePrEP, strategies for integrating telePrEP into your organization's services, and best practices.

Budgeting and Maximizing Program Income

Event Series Fiscal Health Academy
Online Event

This webinar will start with a review of program income requirements. The faculty will discuss the definition of program income, sources of program income, and the allowable and unallowable uses or program income in accordance with the Uniform Guidance and Ryan White HIV/AIDS Program (RWHAP) programmatic and legislative requirements.

Strategies to Address Intersectional Stigma

Online Event

Join Alive! Maryland on Tuesday, July 18, 2023 at 1:00pm ET for an interactive webinar that will discuss strategies for considering the multiple stigmas patients face and how to minimize their impact.