Webinar Panel Discussion following the Ending the HIV Epidemic Hybrid Conference
This is a follow up discussion regarding any logistic and/or administrative issue(s) participants may be having in implementing strategies that were discussed in the hybrid conference, Ending the HIV Epidemic: Implementing Substance Use, Mental Health, HCV and STI Screening.
Know Your Status: What does it Mean to be Status Neutral?
In this session, the Status Neutral Approach will be explored on its use in normalizing and de-stigmatizing HIV testing.
17th Graying of HIV Symposium
Symposium Objectives: Identify the complexities of care for older adults with HIV (COVID 19 as a Comorbidity) Identify aging assessments that can be included in HIV care Describe how public health can inform an Age-Friendly Society Identify national health policy efforts for persons aging with HIV Describe the challenges and successes of Long Term Thrivers […]
More Than Treatment: Assessing Patients for PrEP
Assessing patients for pre- and post-exposure prophylaxis within the context of the Status Neutral Approach.
PTF: HIV 101 Through an Interprofessional Lens
This session will help health professionals understand the current HIV epidemic and the gaps in the continuum of care for HIV.
Pre-Exposure Prophylaxis: HIV Prevention
At the completion of this activity, the participant will be able to: Describe Pre-Exposure Prophylaxis (PrEP). Identify risk factors for PrEP eligibility. Explain the requirements for PrEP initiation. List monitoring parameters for patients on PrEP. Describe the role of community pharmacists in the management of PrEP. Outline what's new in PrEP. Speaker: Olufunmi Bolaji, Pharm.D., AAHIVP […]
Status Is Important
Status keeps us all protected and we need to understand the importance of our HIV status. Understanding the importance of HIV education for all. What roles can a community center play in HIV education?